Monthly Archives: March 2015

Swedish speaking Call Centre Advisor

Who we are   The TotalStay Group launched in the UK in 1999 and has steadily grown into one of the largest and most successful accommodation providers today, used by thousands of tour operators, travel agencies and incoming agencies across

Târg de Carieră

Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai are plăcerea de a vă invita la Târgul de Carieră. Cu studii superioare absolvite sau în curs sunteți așteptați cu CV-urile la Foaierul Casei Universitarilor, de pe strada M. Kogălniceanu, nr. 3, între orele 10:00-16:00. Companiile participante acoperă

Internship HP Code Wars

Are you good at solving algorithmic problems? How about building an application from scratch or fixing functionalities of a real application? CodeWars is  a coding competition that challenges students to master a real application, go through bugs, requirements and environment